What “Season” Are You In?

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I know I’ve been MIA for awhile now but I do enjoy reading all of your blogs, poems, and messages!

Before adding a baby to our blended family, I swear I had all the time in the world. Yes, we had 8 children but I really did find the time to do it all; cook, clean, get the kids where they needed to go (even on time!).

Not anymore. Ninth child has done me in.

After 3 years in our “together” home, each of the children have managed to get involved in activities and have made so many friends that some days I feel like our life is spinning!

Each week our family calendar is FULL of appointments, events, and places to be.

I’m in the trenches, people. Deep in the trenches.

They say “it’s my season” so I’m going with that…

Most days my hair is pulled back into a ponytail, I might have some makeup on, maybe I don’t, and I am probably wearing gym clothes for hope that mayyyyybe I can go there someday (hasn’t happened in awhile). This toddler of ours keeps our home loud, messy, full of laughs, and more messes then I can keep up with!

This too will pass and I’ll miss these busy days I just know it!!

But I’ve found that no matter what our “season” is we need to find joy in it.

I choose to find joy in running my children where they need to be because it means they are learning something new and having fun experiences.

I choose to find joy in preparing a meal for everyone because not every home has a hot, complete meal made for them each night, but we do.

I choose to find joy in cleaning up messes because…..well, I don’t know. But I’m cleaning anyways…

How do you find joy in your season?

What has been your favorite “season” in life?

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